Aardvark 1970
Альбом вышел в марте 1970 года. Его явные плюсы - изобретательная игра на клавишных Стива Миллинера и отличные басовые партии Стэна Олдоса. И сегодня этот релиз не утратил своей особой прелести. Вместе с тем не оставляет ощущение какой-то наивности в музыке коллектива. Но может быть это своеобразное достоинство их эксперимента? Есть мнение, что они в чем-то предвосхитили Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Временами действительно похоже...
Built on the flamboyant keyboard work of Paddy Coulter and the soaring vocals of Dave Skillin, the guitarless Aardvark had a short run in the U.K., with only a single self-titled album to its name. The record is an interesting experiment, though some of the cuts tends to drag on longer than they should, and it seems that no one quite knew how to handle the lack of a guitarist.
...Copper Sunset has a nice title and a great 'wrong' and nagging bass-note in the chorus and Many Things To Do has nice harmonies, but this latter track is too long. Generally the music suffers from too many long extended tracks. The outstanding cut Once Upon A Hill is lovable, though, with great eclectic medieval stylings and effective celeste parts. Nice enough, but not brilliant.
Most songs on the album were written by Dave Skillin. They were mostly a studio band and made very few live appearances as they had enormous difficulties finding a keyboard player. Steve Milliner was previously in Black Cat Bones. Other keyboardists in the band were Paddy Coulter, Peter John Tdoof and Dave Watts, who was later in Jackson Heights and Affinity. Peter John Wood had played with The Trendsetters Soul Band and Hush and was later in Sutherland Brothers and Quiver and also played with Al Stewart and Natural Gas. Aldous had previously been in Odyssey and Skillen was later in Home.
Источник: http://Rissotto |