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Документальный фильм о романтиках прог-рока
Romantic Warriors
A Progressive Music Saga

  Last weekend the Writer’s Center hosted a fine-cut screening of a locally produced music documentary called Romantic Warriors: A Progressive Music Saga. Audience members got a first look at (and later a chance to critique) the year-long effort to document what the filmmakers suggest are the remaining few musicians of a genre with a questionable future. Progressive rock, which features long-form expression of a musical theme through various instruments, has a strong undercurrent of independent support among fans, especially in the Northeast, owing to the geographical make-up of the region and its high population density. In its current version, the film follows several bands including DC/Baltimore’s Deluge Grander, Chicago-based Cheer Accident, Mexico’s Cabezas de Cera, and the Italian rock band, D.F.A. (among others) as they make stops at prog strongholds like Orion Studios in Baltimore, NearFest in Bethlehem, PA, and ultimately ProgDay 2009 in Chapel Hill.

  Интересный документальный фильм о прогрессивном роке. Создатели фильма - Адель Шмидт и Хосе Зегарра Хольдер. Год выпуска - 2010. А вот трейлер:

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