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Фильм о Джоне Ленноне: превратности подготовки
Глупое решение создателей фильма о Ленноне

  Затрапезной электронной команде Goldfrapp какие-то тупоголовые администраторы поручили написать саундтрек к байопику о... Джоне Ленноне «Nowhere Boy». Запись чудовищного музыкального материала будет происходить на студии Abbey Road. Мировая премьера и фильма «Nowhere Boy», и дебильной музыки к нему состоится 29 октября в рамках Лондонского кинофестиваля. Нам известно, что основой релиза послужили мемуары сводной сестры Леннона Джулии Байрд «Imagine This: Growing Up With My Brother John Lennon».

     Парадокс состоит в том, что лучшим саундтреком к фильму, на наш взгляд, могла бы быть только музыка самого Леннона.

Статья с сайта hardcandymusic.com

  Numerous sources are reporting that Sam Taylor-Wood, a visual artist whose 2008 short film Love You More was nominated for the Short Film Palme d’Or, is slated to direct Nowhere Boy, a biopic based on the life of John Lennon. The project is now moving forward, and according to Screen Daily, the film will cover the story of John’s early life, with prominent roles for his mother and aunt, as well as for Paul McCartney, whose musical partnership with Lennon ending up being a fateful one (to say the least). This will be Taylor-Wood’s feature-length directorial debut.

    Taylor-Wood described the focus of the film:

    The women in John’s early life truly shaped who he became and the strengths and weaknesses of their relationships are central to this film.

    The film will be written by Matt Greenhalgh, the BAFTA-winning writer behind musician biopic Control. Although no casting has begun for the film, the Daily Mail is reporting that Kate Winslet is one of the actresses being sought for the role of Lennon’s mother, while Emily Watson is a possibility for Aunt Mimi.

     The musician biopic genre has grown rather tired around these parts, to the point where Hollywood was able to make a movie about how they all have the same exact storyline. Nonetheless, with Greenhalgh writing and Taylor-Wood directing, Nowhere Boy seems like it has the potential to offer us something different (from a plot perspective) and visually interesting at the very least.

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