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Главная » 2010 » Июнь » 4 » Новый альбом Роберта Планта уже на прилавках
Новый альбом Роберта Планта уже на прилавках
Robert Plant  "Band of Joy"

  Остается только следить за поступлениями в наши магазины, чтобы насладиться новинкой Роберта.

  Список песен:

1. "Angel Dance”
2. "House of Cards”
3. "Central Two-O-Nine”
4. "Silver Rider”
5. "You Can't Buy my Love”
6. "I’m Falling In Love Again”
7. "The Only Sound That Matters”
8. "Monkey”
9. "Cindy, I’ll Marry You One Day”
10. "Harms Swift Way”
11. "Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down”
12. "Even This Shall Pass Away”


   Veteran rocker Robert Plant unveiled his new album project "Band of Joy” in London earlier today (June 1).
  Speaking at a reception in events venue Il Bottaccio, Belgravia, which had been specially decorated as a rundown farm for the occasion, Plant introduced himself by saying: "I was in a psychedelic band and there’s never been a more surreal point than this one.”

Comments (compilation from Roadrunnerrecords):

  Skulleater Q. Poopdeck:  Who wants to hear this guy put out any more of his dinosaur music. Anybody that wants to listen to this should put on their pajamas and grab a pillow.

  Therebel:  You are right, Skulleater! Especially with such great bands like Avenged Sevenfold and All That Remains on the cusp of unveiling new "greatness" on all of us! :(

  Respect your elders, douchenozzle. Especially the ones that kicked the door down for the crap bands of today. Without Robert Plant, we'd be listening to shit like Usher and Lady Gaga 24/7 instead of having hard rock and metall of any kind. If he wants to mellow as he gets older, so be it. He still is a PRIMARY reason your favorite music exists.
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