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Род Стюарт о своей болезни в 2000 г.
Rod Stewart recalls thyroid cancer surgery

   Род Стюарт делится воспоминаниями о том, как его спасли от рака хирурги в 2000 г. Оказывается он был на волосок от гибели или вполне мог навсегда утратить голос. "Но сейчас со мной все в порядке, -говорит Род, - и я по-прежнему готов петь".

   Rod Stewart, who is back out on the road for an extended European tour this spring and summer, recalled his 2000 bout with thyroid cancer. Stewart, who's since been given a clean bill of health, revealed that he only learned after-the-fact how serious a procedure his surgery was, telling The National Newspaper, "I had thyroid cancer but thank the good lord it's all clear and I'm singing better than I've ever sung. You would be worried, wouldn't you, with the Big C? They failed to tell me when I went into the hospital how dangerous and delicate this operation is, although if you're going to have a cancer this is by far the most easily cured."
   He says that the surgical team stopped short of telling him how close he actually came from losing his voice: "They didn't say that when they go in to get to the thyroid, the nerves that control your vocal cords are literally a millimeter away. Any slip of the hand and that's it. You won't ever sing again. . . But here we are still singing and I feel great."

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