Группа Wiser Time образована в небольшом городке Миллингтон в 2002 г. Ее основатель и лидер - гитарист Кармен Склафани (Carmen Sclаfani). Он долгое время наяривал в барах, пабах и клубах, подрабатывая своим недюжинным талантом. Склафани далеко не новичок в музыке. Этот альбом вполне демонстрирует его способности. Но вот использовал ли он все свои возможности? Хотя, кто сейчас этим не грешит?
BEGGARS AND THIEVES (2010)"It's a celebration. A coming-of-age of sorts," explains Carmen Sclafani about Wiser Time's latest release, Beggars And Thieves. "It's the first album that I've done where I truly feel at ease with myself in the studio and with a band."It comes as a bit of a surprise to read when you consider just how far Sclafani has come since introducing Wiser Time to audiences in 2005, and what has taken him to places across the United States as well as abroad with often little more than a guitar slung across his shoulder. Perhaps it's that very journey that has created that sense of ease and given Beggars And Thieves a stark contrast in sound from previously recorded Wiser Time records.