"The Peter Moon Band is kinda like Train, Tom Petty and Sublime road trippin' with the Dahali Lama...Otis Redding is driving the bus." Dave Bartley, WKXD FM
Peter rockin a crowd! Singer / songwriter Peter Moon, drummer Jon Zoog and bassist "Jumpin' " Jack Hartford are working hard to reach fans from every walk of life. Over the past year, they've built a reputation as a great live act at clubs, colleges and casinos; opened for Grammy-winning pop stars and outlaw-country legends; and forged a classic yet contemporary Rock & Roll sound that is winning over music audiences throughout the Southeast.
"This band straight up ROCKS!"
Allen Blankenship, concert promoter and founder of Skullbone Music Park
А заодно познакомимся с группой Big Mo And The Full Moon Band
Cайт Men On The Moon, по уверению его хозяев, играет лучшую музыку в мире
Bad Moon Band (Германия) явно обожают Creedence
The Black Moon Band - хорошая блюзовая команда с дамским вокалом