It wasn't until The Beatles came in that Barry joined a rock 'n' roll band, preferring to focus on jazz and drum technique instead: "I didn't like rock music till I played it." At the age of 14, Barry joined The Titans, his first band. Then, in late 1964, he left to play in Thursday's Children. Recalling his first live gig with the group, a show at the Black Thirteen, in Inala in 1964, Barry simply recounts it as "scary". However, this certainly did not discourage Barry and the band, who by 1965 had a resident gig at The Red Orb, playing six nights and two afternoons a w
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Сегодня день рождения Дэвида, о котором мы уже очень много писали, а сколько говорили и спорили - не счесть... Ежегодно продолжать обстоятельный разговор о достижениях маэстро в дни его рождения? Можно, но нужно ли? Дэвид навсегда вписал своё имя в историю классического рока и навсегда занял место в наших душах. Мы
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