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Главная » 2010 » Сентябрь » 10 » Gerry Rafferty на www.rocktelevision
Gerry Rafferty на www.rocktelevision
Gerry Rafferty "Baker Street"

  Набрел на интересный ресурс - rocktelevision, где есть много замечательных роликов, которые можно не только посмотреть, но и добавить в свой блог или сайт. В качестве примера размещаем ссылку на знаменитую песню Джерри Рафферти. Мы его любим еще со времен существования группы Stealers Wheel. "Baker Street" опубликована на одном из его многочисленных сольных альбомов.


  Gerald Rafferty, better known as Gerry Rafferty is a Scottish singer. The first professional experience began with the collaboration with Billy Connolly in a band called The Humblebums, recorded - in 1971 - his first solo album, Can I Have My Money Back. In 1972, with his old school friend Joe Egan formed Stealers Wheel the group, which, however, did not achieve noteworthy success in the single Stuck in the Middle With You reported success in later periods. The group disbanded in 1975. In 1978, Rafferty recorded the solo album City to City, which included Baker's Street song that reached number three on the British charts and the second in the U.S.. The album sold over five million copies, surpassing Saturday Night Fever. Apart Next Night Owl, the following work is not obtained evidence of the public and critics comparable to those obtained with City To City.
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