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Издания к 40-летней годовщине со дня смерти Хендрикса
New Jimi Hendrix Album "Valleys of Neptune"

  К 40-летней годовщине смерти Джими Хендрикса будет выпущен диск "Valleys of Neptune". В него войдут 12 композиций, записанных Хендриксом и его командой на репетициях в 1969 г. Кроме того, сюда же будет включена версия песни «Hear My Train a Comin», инструментальное исполнение «Sunshine of Your Love» группы Cream, а также неизвестные композиции «Ships Passing Through The Night» и «Lullaby For The Summer». Издание диска планируется на 9 марта.
  Альбом "Valleys of Neptune" станет первым в серии совместных изданий Sony и компании Hendrix Experience, возглавляемой родственниками покойного музыканта. В 2010 г. будут также переизданы классические альбомы Jimi Hendrix Experience "Are You Expereinced", "Axis: Bold As Love", "Electric Ladyland" и "First Rays of the New Rising Sun". Каждый из дисков будет снабжен DVD с документальным фильмом о записи альбома и интервью с современниками Хендрикса. Кроме того, будут переизданы сборник хитов гитариста "Smash Hits" и концерт "Live at Woodstock".
  В марте в Калифорнии стартует турне Experience Hendrix Tour 2010, в котором примут участие Билли Кокс, Джо Сатриани, Брэд Уитфорд из Aerosmith, Джонни Лэнг, Кенни Уэйн Шепард, Эрни Исли, группы Los Lobos и Living Colour.

  During his four-year career before his untimely death, Jimi Hendrix released only three official albums with the Experience, followed by just one live release with his newly formed Band of Gypsys in 1970. Many posthumous albums, compilations and box sets have followed, and now Hendrix's camp has announced that 12 fully-realized, previously-unreleased studio recordings will see the light of day. The first of these tracks, "Valley of Neptune", will be initially released on Jan. 28 exclusively on Spinner, to be followed by a worldwide release on Feb. 2.

All songs performed by Jimi Hendrix

Third Stone from the Sun
Room Full of Mirrors
I Donât Live Today
EXP Interlude
1983 A Mermaid I Should Turn to Be
Manic Depression
Like a Rolling Stone
Machine Gun
Taking Care of No Business
Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Star Spangled Banner
EXP (Slight Return)

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Come September, it will have been 40 years since Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose at the age of 27. Just three of his studio albums were released during his tragically short career: Are You Experienced and Axis: Bold As Love in 1967, and Electric Ladyland in 1968. Several more, containing unreleased and alternate tracks were released after his death.

But there are still more Hendrix recordings that haven't been available publicly. The Hendrix estate (Experience Hendrix LLC) and Sony Music Entertainment are about to release an album of 12 previously unreleased tracks, among the last Jimi Hendrix Experience studio recordings, most recorded over a four month period in 1969.

Valleys Of Neptune includes covers such as "Sunshine Of Your Love" and "Bleeding Heart" and original Hendrix compositions like "Ships Passing Through The Night" and "Lullaby For The Summer." The album's title track will be released as a single on February 2, followed by the full album on March 9.

This release is the opening shot of what's being called the 2010 Jimi Hendrix Catalog Project, which will also include (among other things) new CD/DVD editions of the three titles mentioned above, plus First Rays Of The New Rising Sun, also to be released on March 9.

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